Growth in Percentage of Economically Disadvantaged Students Since 2003 Have Impeded School Success in Texas


Initial Comments.  The program linked to at the left—ED 0423 GEO is essentially the same as ED 0423. The principle addition to ED 04223 GEO is the display of the same elementary and middle schools which existed in years 2004 and 20232 using their geographical coordinates, essentially presenting them in a map-type format.

The GIS presentation does not appear when this page is loaded.  It is necessary to click on either the LG or RG buttons until the map appears. If it initially appears with one of the regression lines running across it, click on the [Regr] button and turn off the undesired line.

As usual, schools selected and highlighted on either graph will also be highlighted in the other graph.

A new graph has been added here, namely G6: DIST AVGS: RES_ED v DED_23.  In this graph, the averages for all of the elementary and middle schools are plotted as a single point.  On the Y-axis are district averages of the residuals from the regression of MGL_ED with the schools’ percentage of FRPL students as the independent variable.  On the X-axis are the average FRPL students in the schools in each district.

This graph can be used as follows:  With [Mult] “on” or red, drawing a rectangle around a single point in this graph will highlight all of the elementary and middle schools in that district.  If the GIS map is selected to be displayed on the other graph window, the geographical locations of the highlighted schools in the selected district can be observed. 

Question:  Restricting the selection to schools with more than 70% FRPL, in what region of the state are the 10 districts with the highest/most positive residuals located? Should be quite obvious, although there may be one exception.

The “Question” above is predicated on first selecting the 100 largest districts using the “BIG100” list

Also, the user should recall how to show the names of schools and districts.  When an individual school is identified, either with the mouse using the school name lists (after a district has been selected) while the colored circle for the schools is blinking the name can be deposited on the screen, at the location of the mouse cursor, by depressing the <Ctrl> key.  If one or more schools have been highlighted using the [Multi] function, pressing the <tab> key will write the district name near the mouse cursor.  The cursor should be positioned at a desirable location before pressing the key, in either case.


Click on “Display interactive graphs” to the left to initiate the program.